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stasher bag for earth day

Earth Day, All Month, All Year!

This is a very special month for us here at stasher, because Earth Day, our most favorite holiday is April 22nd! We like to celebrate for more than just 24 hours, for what originally began as a single day to raise awareness has evolved into a full month of global activism, and it’s a lifestyle we promote all year long.

Earth Day History 101

In 1970, after 150 years of industrial development, the disastrous effects of pollution were becoming more evident. Smog was reaching deadly levels and biodiversity was in decline. So, on April 22nd of that year— the inaugural Earth Day— millions of people across the US and around the world gathered in the streets to protest.

Later that decade, the Environmental Protection Agency was formed and robust environmental laws such as the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act were signed (thanks, President Nixon 😉).

Born on that day in 1970, the Earth Day Network has since been promoting ecological programs of all kinds, like planting trees, protecting animal habitats and cleaning up beaches. Today, the network is vowing to take on the most concerning environmental issue yet: plastic pollution.

It’s Our Mission

Reducing plastic pollution is stasher's driving purpose. Every day in the U.S., 20 million plastic sandwich bags go to landfills where it takes more than 500 years for them to break down. When they don't reach landfills, they find their way to our rivers and oceans where plastics are killing marine life and poisoning the food supply for billions of people.

So, we've made it our mission to reduce single-use plastics by providing a 100% plastic-free, reusable alternative.


Just one stasher can save thousands of plastic baggies and containers from becoming pollution. And, should you ever need to dispose of a stasher bag, we'll take it back and turn it into playground pebbles 🤗. 

Our Partners, Your Contribution

To support our mission, we partner with nonprofits and organizations like 1% For The Planet, 5Gyres and Together for H2OPE to research the effects of plastics, clean up oceans and rivers, and to ensure global access to clean water.

stasher nonprofit partners

With every stasher purchase made, you're giving back to protect the Earth.

(...and we have to protect the Earth-- it’s the only one with guacamole!)

1% for the Planet brings dollars and doers together to accelerate smart environmental giving, focusing on six core areas: climate, food, land, pollution, water, and wildlife. It’s a global network of businesses, nonprofits and individuals working together for a healthy planet, generating more than $175 Million dollars given back to the environment.

5 Gyres is empowering action against plastic pollution through science, education, and adventure. With active campaigns against polystyrene, microbeads, plastic fashion, plastic bottles, plastic straws, plastic bags, balloons and cigarette butts, they offer a multitude of ways to take action and make a difference.  

Together for H2OPE is a nonprofit program driven by our friends at Numi Organic Tea, bringing clean, safe drinking water farming communities around the world. They’ve constructed 23 wells serving 4,000 people, and provided 10,500 villagers with clean water access in Madagascar and India.

Thanks for being part of the #plasticfree movement!

Stay tuned for our Earth Day sale! Five percent of the proceeds from this sale will go directly to 1% for the Planet and its partners to continue our mission to reduce plastic pollution. 

From all of us at stasher, thank you for being part of the #plasticfree movement! We wish you a happy and empowered Earth Month.